IBM Communications Products on HP 9000 Systems Selection and Ordering Guide June 1991 Jeffrey Shimbo Information Networks Division Table of Contents Topic Section Introduction ....................................... 1 BSC 3270, BSC 3270 API, and BSC 3270 HLLAPI ........ 2 SNA 3270 HLLAPI and SNA 3270 API ................... 3 SNA 3270 Terminal and Printer Emulation ............ 4 SNA LU 6.2 API, APPC, and APPN ..................... 5 SNA 3770 ........................................... 6 BSC RJE ............................................ 7 Other IBM Communications Products .................. 8 1. Introduction The recent availability of third-party products and HP specials for HP 9000 IBM communications has resulted in some confusion. While HP standard products satisfy the IBM communications needs of most custo- mers, third-party products and HP factory specials are available for others. This guide will help you decide which product, or combination of products, provide the greatest value to your customers. The Acronyms: SNA, BSC, APPC, APPN, etc. Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is IBM's primary method of com- municating with mainframes and minicomputers. Binary Synchronous Com- munications (BSC or "bisynch") is the predecessor of SNA. The high cost of migrating from BSC to SNA contributes to the continuing popularity of BSC. These networks are well suited for wide-area communications and terminal I/O in a hierarchical network. Nearly all interactive (non-batch) mainframe applications are writ- ten for 3270 terminals and printers. Most users access these applica- tions with 3270-compatible terminals or terminal emulators. 3270 Application Programming Interface (API) or 3270 High Level Language API (HLLAPI) enable automatic access to 3270 host applications. 3270 API or HLLAPI is used to write programs that appear as 3270 termi- nals to the host application. 3270 API and 3270 HLLAPI provide the same functionality, with the HLLAPI interface being more standard. Newer applications on IBM SNA hosts may use the LU 6.2 API. LU 6.2 is designed for inter-program communications. IBM often refers to LU 6.2 as Advanced Program-to-Program Communications or APPC. While most APPC applications today are CICS applications, recent announcements sug- gest that APPC is one of IBM's strategic APIs. Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking, APPN, provides non-hierarchical networking under SNA. PU 2.1 enables APPN communications. With APPN, an HP 9000 can connect to an AS/400 without IBM mainframe intervention. Batch data processing is facilitated by SNA 3770 and BSC RJE. Both products provide data entry and printing facilities. This guide will help you select and order the appropriate HP or third-party products for IBM communications on HP 9000 systems. IMPORTANT: All prices are subject to change. Do not use these prices for quotes. Please see the to CPL for latest prices.